Should you set a minimum amount for card payments?
Some merchants still impose a £5 minimum on card payments, but is it a good idea - or even legal? Read this carefully if you're considering it.
Some merchants still impose a £5 minimum on card payments, but is it a good idea - or even legal? Read this carefully if you're considering it.
How do not-for-profit organisations, charities and fundraisers receive donations online? Here are the main tools, providers and what to look for.
The card machine colour might not seem important, but we know from merchants, sales, Google and research that it may be. Here's how colours matter.
Card machines are still a staple for face-to-face businesses, but which are the most promising models on the payments market?
Considering the PAX A920 card machine? We got our hands on one, unboxed it, took pictures - and discovered features you should know about.
Why do card machines have cameras? Present on Dojo, PAX and Ingenico smart POS terminals, what are they used for? How do they work?
What's the definition of EPOS? Is it software, hardware or both? How does it work? So many questions, but we answer them all in plain language.
A POS system in Excel sounds like a cheap DYI option, but is it worth the hassle? Here's how it works, along with pros and cons for retail shops.
Solid and usable, Vend has a lot to offer. With its many features and user-friendly interface, should retailers consider it?
We compare the five best EPOS software in the UK, focusing on key differences in cost, functionality and purpose.
Hike is a pretty standard POS system for retailers, but has an edge over alternatives: it works on PC and Mac as well as iPad. Is it worth the cost?
What's the best iPad POS stand? We've ranked point of sale stands for iPad that pivot, swivel or are fixed.
What hardware components are most important in a POS system? We list the core POS equipment in order of priority.
What are the most important POS functions in a till system? We list the top 50 POS features businesses should consider.
What does a POS system cost? We break down the price of POS equipment and software - including hidden costs.
TouchBistro is one of the most user-friendly iPad POS systems available for UK restaurants. Is it right for your food business?
iZettle Pro is a great-value, contract-free restaurant EPOS for the budget-minded, but is it right for you? We analyse features, costs and more.
What's the best pizza restaurant POS system with options for delivery and Click & Collect? We compare the leading software for small pizzerias.
What are the pros and cons of a kitchen display system (KDS)? How does it replace a kitchen printer? We define and list their unique features.
How has mobile commerce responded to Covid and the growth of ecommerce? We look at trends, stats and implications for businesses in the future.