About Luciana Damasceno

Luciana Damasceno was born into a family of entrepreneurs and opened her first business at the age of 16. For more than 10 years she has been supporting small businesses to make the right decisions. She was a Science & Technology journalist for A Tarde, and advisor to renowned companies, including Ernst & Young, Saeco, Iberdrola and ABB Service. She is the editor responsible for MobileTransaction Brasil and hold an MBA in Marketing.

The battle of Brazil’s card payment market

The Brazilian market of card readers is one of the most exciting at the moment. Companies are fighting for a slice of the sector, estimated to have released over 300 models so far and paved the way for two successful IPOs this year. Yet not so long ago, local [...]

Luciana Damasceno2018-12-01T06:15:22+00:00Published: November 30th, 2018|